Civil wars begins union navy and texas civil war in october 1862 john b magruder
Civil wars begins union navy and texas civil war in october 1862 john b magruder

civil wars begins union navy and texas civil war in october 1862 john b magruder

He was appointed brigadier-general of volunteers on 10 September, 1862, and at Antietam his brigade performed an important part in carrying Antietam bridge, which, according to General McClellan, saved the day. He served at Fort Monroe, Hatteras Island, and Newborn, and commanded a brigade in the 9th Army Corps in the second battle of Bull Run. In 1851 he was commissioned colonel of the 6th Pennsylvania Regiment, and in that year organized the 48th Pennsylvania, of which he was made colonel. He was mustered out of service with his company at Philadelphia on 27 July, 1848, and the inhabitants of Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, presented him with a sword. He assisted in routing a force of guerillas at La Hova, fought at Huamantla, Puebla, Atlixco, entered the city and was finally stationed at San Angel until the close of the war. His regiment was stationed at Perote castle to keep open the communication with Vera Cruz during its siege. In 1842 he organized the Washington artillery Company, and, when war was declared against Mexico, he enlisted with it as the 1st Pennsylvania Volunteers. NAGLE, James, soldier, born in Reading, Pennsylvania, 5 April, 1822 died in Pottsville, Pennsylvania, 22 August, 1866.

Civil wars begins union navy and texas civil war in october 1862 john b magruder